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مطروح للطب البيطرى اهلا بكم
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انثى عدد المساهمات : 302
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الاوسمه : تشريح عملى  W%20.malki1 القوس تاريخ التسجيل : 03/04/2010
العمر : 31
الموقع : ض7ى

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فى الموضوع ده هنحاول نعيد عرض مواضيع مفيدة للتشريح

(اتمنى انها تفيد طلبة الفرقة الاولى)

ونبدأ بسكشن التشريح الاول (pelvic girdle)

the pelvic limb
the regions of the pelvic limb
1- the pelvic girdle
2-the thigh region
3-the leg region
4-the pes region (foot on man)
the pelvic girldle
1-os coxae -pelvic bone -1st 3 caudal vertebrae - sacrum
the thigh region
3-tibia - fibula
the joints of the pelvic limb
1-sacroiliac joint
between sacrum and pelvic bone
2-hip ( coxal )
between the pelvic bone and fumer
the pelvic girdle
1- os coxae
1- ilium
a-wing is wide
it consists of
2 surfaces
contain gluteal line
its coverd with gluteal muscle so its called gluteal surface
its called sacro pelvic surface
it has two regions
smooth (iliac surface)
rough (irregular surface) and it made articulation with sacrum
-2 tuberosity (sacral - coxal)
3 borders
-lateral - medial -cranial (above the iliac crest )
2 angles
medial angle which is single and called sacral tuber
lateral angle which have two tuberosity and called coxal tuber
2- body which is cylinderical and tubular
it consist of
3 surfaces
-lateral surface
no structures
-medial surface
sacro pelvic surface
contain obturator groove
pass in it obturator nerve and vessels
ventral surface
nutrient foramen
psoas tubercle which is well developed in horse and absent in other animals
3 borders
lateral border
coxal tuber (lateral angle)
nutrient foramen
medial border
contain greater ischiatic notch
pass in it sacro iliac ligament which close the notch and convert it into foramen


- the pubis

it consist of
1- the shaft
2-two branches
-cranial branch (acetabulum branch)
caudal branch (symphysial branch)
2 surfaces
-pelvic surface which come from the pelvic cavity
-ventral surface
convex male
concave female
3 borders
cranial border
iliupubic eminence
sub pubic groove
caudal border
cranial boundary of obturator foramen
-medial border
pubic symphesis
3- ischium
2 surfaces
pelvic - ventral
4 borders
cranial border
caudal boundary of obturator foramen
caudal border
ischial arch
greater ischiatic notch
-lateral border
ischiatic spine
-media border
ischiatic symphysis
4 angles
-cranio lateral
caudo lateral
cranio medial
caudo medial
- acetabulum
the union of the three bones
semi circular cotyloid cavity
-i has non articular surface
acetabular fossa
acetabular notch which is wide in horse
pass in it the ligaments of fixation of the head of th fumer ( the accessory ligament)
-obturator foramen
- between pubis and ischium
artery nerve and vien pupil

the compartive features
1- ox
-gluteal line is unclear and absent ventrally
-shaft of ilium is short
-ischiatic spine is very sharp
obturator groove is large
ischial tuber is formed of 3 parts
-acetabular notch is narrow
2-small rumients
-the shaft is long and cylinderical
-the wing is small and irregular in shape
3- camel
-the wing is nearly flat
-the gluteal line is absent
-the obturator foramen is circular and formed of 2 parts
-acetubular notch is wide
-ischiatic spine is sharp and transverse region
-acetubular notch is narrow
-ischiatic spine is very thick
-the wing is sma;; and irregular
-the wing is small

-the ischiatic spine is wide
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